Fellow Young Adult Groups

Through Youth & Young Adult Ministry in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, young people are formed as disciples of Jesus and inspired to be His witness to the ends of the Earth.
Anthem Philly exists to make disciples of youth and young adults in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Their work is accomplished in 3 ways: live events, service opportunities, and training/support for people in ministry.

Based out of Mother of Divine Providence Church, the MDP Young Adults Group is an avenue for young adults in their 20s and 30s in the King of Prussia area to meet and develop friendships with people of the same age and faith while deeping their spiritual character as a faith community. As a group, they also aim to use their time and talents for the betterment of the MDP community.

Metanoia is an active community of Catholic young adults in Montgomery County, Pa. The group supports Catholics in their 20s and 30s who are looking to deepen their faith and meet fellow Catholics in the area. Ministry includes: Theology on Tap, faith based meetings, community service, retreats, and outdoor events and activities.

We are a growing group of Catholics in our 20's and 30's in Delaware County. Our mission is to live out the love of God and neighbor. This ministry allows Catholic young adults to be accepted and to have a strong voice in the Church. We foster authentic, lasting friendships that support the development of the whole person during this dynamic time of life. In addition to monthly "Theology on Tap" events which form the backbone of our ministry, we often add new events to serve the needy, nurture our souls, and have fun!

St. Norbert Young Adult Ministry is a community of young believers who gather in faith, fellowship and service to support the needs of each other and those around us. Their faith-sharing small group meets each Tuesday evening at 7:30pm in the Parish Office at St. Norbert Parish in Paoli.

A community of young Catholic men & women (21-35, single or married) looking to gather in spirituality, service and fun! Ministry includes monthly Theology on Tap. Join us at events; bring a friend! All are welcome!